Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Discovering Pyramids and Printmaking in Lima

On my trip to Peru, I hadn't expected to find a archeological site in the center of Lima. Actually, according to my reading of blogs and travel sites before leaving, I wasn't supposed to even go to Lima much less have such a great experience.  A fellow artist, Dan Welden, suggested I visit TRESS, a printmaking studio in Miraflores to meet Cristina Dueñas who runs the space. There I met Kathleen O'Connell, an American artist, who showed us her portfolio inspired by Huaca Pucllana, and told us that the pyramid was within 5 minutes walking distance from the studio.

Bunny Eyer, Kathleen O'Connell, Cristina Dueñas 
Print by Kathleen O'Connell
Print by Kathleen O'Connell

Visiting the site, we discovered that the entire structure was built of clay bricks that were dried in the sun, not in a kiln! Thousands were stacked vertically, 'libro' or book style, to create this huge structure. It's hard to fathom how long a process this was.

Huaca Pucllana was an important ceremonial site for the Lima Culture and dates to 200AD.

 Here it sits juxtaposed with Lima's modern cityscape.
As part of my continuing Art Vacation series - I plan to take a group to Peru next May to visit sacred sites and work in the TRESS printmaking studio. Contact me if you are interested. 

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